In 1928, California Water Systems acquired Petaluma Power and Water...
...and with that acquisition, the 13.61 acres of La Cresta Ridge and Ravine became theirs. Over the next quarter century, California Water Services installed seventy miles of piping throughout Petaluma. Citizens sold access easements for as little as $1.00 to enable this modern irrigation system to service the rapidly expanding city. In 1959, California Water Services sold the water rights back to the City of Petaluma for $2.5MM. This enabled the City to control water rates and to manage the future of their own water system. The La Cresta property, however, remained under the ownership of California Water Services.
In the early 2000's California Water Services applied to the City of Petaluma for a tentative subdivision to develop the 13.61 acres. Their plan, that included seventeen upscale homes with access via the new West Haven subdivision, did not receive approval. During this time, the Save La Cresta Ridge and Ravine Coalition (SLCRR) formed with a vision of preserving the 13.61 acres as open space. They developed a positive relationship with Cal Water Services representatives and formulated a plan with the City of Petaluma to apply for a matching grant through the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District. In 2008, the City was awarded a grant to purchase the property but with the economic down turn, the appraised value of the property decreased. This new appraisal did not meet CWS' expectation of value and the grant eventually expired. Since then, SLCRR members have maintained communication with CWS in our committed efforts to find a mutually beneficial future for La Cresta.