All photography provided by Mary Hogan

Since 2002, we have led the effort to permanently protect the 13.61 acres constituting La Cresta Ridge and Ravine in west Petaluma.  We believe in the positive effects of being in nature and want to preserve this vital land for future generations and the plants and animals that reside upon it.


Our Mission

To protect and preserve La Cresta Ridge and Ravine and its surrounding acreage, to educate and welcome the public to the beauty it provides and to foster appreciation and respect for its living organisms.  

What We've Achieved

Matching Grant Application: In 2008, working with the City of Petaluma, we were awarded a two million dollar grant through the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District towards the purchase of La Cresta Ridge and Ravine.  Due to fluctuations in the value of the property, we were not able to achieve a successful acquisition.   This milestone put La Cresta on the map.  

Petaluma's Hillside and Ridgeline Ordinance: Members of our coalition collaborated with the City of Petaluma to create and implement the Hillside and Ridgeline Ordinance that will protect all of Petaluma's existing open hillsides and ridgelines.  You can see the work in Petaluma's General Plan here.